German denunciation master found guilty of inciting hatred (4 photos + 1 video)

6 June 2024

He himself categorically disagrees with the court, and therefore filed an appeal.

18-year-old Niklas Mattei from the city of Gräfenhainichen in Germany is known as a master of denunciations. A young man spends most of his life trying to find a parking violator and report him to the police. Other violators are caught in the pencil, but most of all Nicholas pays attention to those who park incorrectly. In a year, the guy made more than four thousand denunciations and became a bone in the throat for many Germans, many of whom simply dream that karma will overtake this scoundrel or some bad person will stop him from doing nasty things to others.

Not long ago, one of the women who noticed a guy filming her car almost got revenge. She asked to remove the incriminating evidence, and when Niklas refused, she reached for his phone - as a result, the slanderer fell and was slightly scratched. Of course, after that he filed a complaint against the woman with the police.

However, recently the actions of Mattei himself became of interest to the police. The department is also very unhappy with the slanderer, because... his denunciations paralyze the work of law enforcement officers.

Even the burgomaster of Grafenhainichen, Enrico Schilling, in order to bring the guy to reason, at the annual carnival he wrote a poster ridiculing him: “The artist has a paste/ And [Grafen]hainichen has a denunciation-hauptmeister!”

But the boy was not satisfied with the sarcasm, but another story made him nervous. They dug up incriminating evidence on the young but already vile German from the time of the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, after scouring the Internet, they brought to light a post from a school chat in which Niklas posted prohibited materials about Covid and called for killing those who have not been vaccinated.

A German court found this content to be a violation of the law. According to the judges, Nicholas incited hatred with his post, which is categorically unacceptable. Germany's main slanderer was sentenced to 100 hours of community service and a fine of 1 thousand euros. True, Mattei himself does not agree with the verdict. He has filed an appeal and wants to challenge the court's decision.

Mattei previously shared plans to emigrate to Sweden. They pay more for denunciations there, and he can really get rich. For each signal about illegal parking, scoundrels receive 100 crowns, so Nicholas, with his zeal, will quickly become a millionaire.

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