16 "ugly ducklings" that experienced a miraculous transformation (17 photos)

Yesterday, 23:15

Puberty is a complex restructuring of the human body, after which amazing transformations occur with the body. And of course, these changes often present us with rare surprises. Almost every person, with rare exceptions, did not look their best in adolescence. And then a miracle happened, and the "ugly duckling" turned into a beautiful swan. Take a look at these incredible metamorphoses.

1. I didn't like my reflection in the mirror at 13, at 23 I've changed a lot

2. At 13 I was an awkward teenager, now I like the way I am look

3. At 15 I was fat and clumsy, now I'm 21, I love a healthy lifestyle and do sports

4. As a child I looked a lot like a boy, now, even with a short haircut, I get compliments men

5. When I was 15, I considered myself ugly, and I didn’t even dream that I would become so beautiful

6. At 17, I was fat, I’m 22, and they tell me that I blossomed

7. At 19, and at 26

8. At 15, my appearance left much to be desired, I had too many complexes. Now I overcame

9. At fifteen, my smile looked ugly. Now I feel great, and people like my smile

10. Only four years have passed, in one photo I am 16 years old

11. Many of my friends are sure that I am deceiving them when I show my teenage photo


13. I don’t really like looking at myself when I was in school

14. I was 17 years old and I I had a completely stupid beard, at 22 I look younger than before

15. My friends are very surprised that such a plump girl turned out to be a real beauty

16. At 17, I was often teased at school, but at 23, I happily got over it forgot

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