A man fled the courtroom with his wife on his back to avoid divorce (3 photos)

Yesterday, 23:16

A woman surnamed Chen decided to give her husband another chance to restore their marriage.

A recent incident in a courtroom in Sichuan Province, China, has raised serious concerns about the handling of domestic violence cases. During a divorce trial, a man surnamed Li forcibly carried his wife Chen out of the room in an attempt to avoid their separation.

The woman filed for divorce after 20 years of marriage. According to her, she suffered from domestic violence and aggressive behavior from her husband during these years.

The couple, who have two sons and a daughter, faced trouble after the court rejected Chen's divorce request, citing "deep emotional ties" and Li's apparent reluctance to end the marriage.

The woman's appeal led to a retrial, during which tensions escalated. During that hearing, Li, overcome with emotion, picked Chen up from the floor, threw her on his back, and ran out of the courtroom, leaving her screaming for help. Bailiffs quickly intervened and scolded him for his actions.

In a written apology submitted later, Li expressed regret for his behavior, acknowledging the seriousness of his mistake.

"In a state of emotional excitement, I mistakenly thought that I was going to divorce the appellant, so I carried her out of the courtroom, ignoring the instructions of the judges and bailiffs who tried to stop my extreme actions," he wrote.

The man assured the court that he would not repeat such extreme actions. Ultimately, with the court's mediation, the couple did not divorce. Chen agreed to give Li another chance to restore their marriage. The choice has sparked a wave of concern and criticism online, with many questioning the court's understanding of domestic violence and the legal system's overall approach to such cases.

"Oh my God! How could they not grant a divorce in this situation?", "If he could carry her out of the courtroom in public, what can he do in private?", "What do you mean the relationship isn't broken? It only counts if someone is beaten to death?" they wrote.

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