25 interesting photo facts about everything in the world (26 photos)

Category: Facts, PEGI 0+
Today, 00:21

The world is full of beauty and wonder. It can be hard to see all this beauty from your room or office, but the Internet allows you to instantly find yourself in space or Hollywood in the 1920s. All at the click of a button.

1. Hummingbird feather compared to a penny

2. Chimpanzee hand close up plan

3. What Antarctica Would Look Like If All Its Ice Melted

4. Baby owls sleep "face down", with their heads on their stomachs outweighs

5. Everyone knows about Tutankhamun's burial mask, but masks of other pharaohs have been found as well. This is the mask of Pharaoh Amenemope, circa 1000 BC

6. One of the clearest images of Jupiter to date

7. The painting "First Communion" was painted by Pablo Picasso when he was only 15 years

8. When Mount Vesuvius erupted, several loaves of ancient Roman bread were charred as a result of the explosion and have come down to us in this form

9. This is what Times Square in New York looked like in 1921 year

10. Sometimes tadpoles may either not grow into adult frogs, or become very, very big

11. Emma Lillian Todd, the first female aircraft designer (since 1906 years)

12. This is a Chinese water deer that evolved tusks instead of antlers

13. Horseshoe crabs have blue blood (hemolymph containing copper), and it is collected to test drugs and vaccines for purity. It coagulates when in contact with microorganisms or their waste products

14. This is what Mount Everest looks like from an airplane window

15. This is the tallest statue in the world, the Statue of Unity: it is located in India and is 182 meters high without a pedestal, with a pedestal - 240 meters

16. And this is how big the toes of the Statue of Unity are

17. The Hollywood Hills used to have "Hollywoodland" written on them

18. This is Paulina Musters, the shortest woman ever documented, stood 24 inches (61 cm) tall when she died at age 19

19. The Hubble Telescope, People for Scale

20. Here's How Big the Largest Shark That Ever Lived, Megalodon, Was Compared to by a person

21. And this is how big the Megalodon's jaws were

22. One of the biggest crazes of the 1950s was "phone booth stuffing," with the world record being 25 people. Truly an example of the triumph of the human spirit

23. Emu eggs look like they came straight out of Game of Thrones

24. This wrinkled thing that causes unimaginable horror is the tapeworm microscope

25. This is what the inside of a gas stove looks like

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