In Denmark, men accidentally discovered a whale's genitals and gave it to be frozen (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
23 September 2024

At first, the men thought it was a snake.

Bild reported that on the southeastern coast of the Danish island of Bornholm, local residents decided to clean up. The activists were collecting trash and accidentally stumbled upon an unusual object. At first, they thought it was a huge snake. Then they thought it was a pipe. When they got closer, they realized it was someone's body part. They sent it to the nearest research center for study.

It turned out that the body part found was the genitals of a humpback whale. Scientists are sure that the whale was washed ashore during a storm. Its body decomposed, and the penis simply fell off. In the laboratory, the member was frozen for further research. According to biologists, the study of this organ will help determine how exactly the whale died and clarify the ecological situation in the region.

A whale's penis can reach about 3 meters in length, and its diameter can be about 30 centimeters. This size is due not only to the size of the mammal itself, but also to its method of reproduction. Females are usually larger than males, so males have to grow such a dignity in order to conceive offspring.

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