15 Inedible Objects That Cleverly Pretended to Be Edible (16 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
23 September 2024

A collection of various things that look like food, but are not

Have you ever tried to taste a delicious washcloth? Or how about biting into a piece of a rock? It sounds crazy, but these are exactly the situations that occur when ordinary objects take on the features of delicious food.

The world is full of illusions, and some of them are so realistic that they make us believe in the impossible.

Doesn't it look like chocolate? Only these are special things for the table legs so that it doesn't get scratched

Forbidden Volcanic Pizza

Strawberry donut

Orange juice? No, car detergent

Confess, who wanted orange juice?

Oh-oh-oh, it almost looks like tiramisu

How can you resist trying to bite into this?

Minced meat? No, regular knitting thread

Bricks that turned into delicious jelly beans

Rust neutralized with baking soda looks like lasagna

Oooh, I'll take the corner piece, please!

Pasta shells

Actually, they're dental crowns. Almost impossible to guess, huh?

Uranium Shortbread Pie

Just imagine how it would crunch in your teeth!

Cheese Wheels That Are Actually Beeswax

Cedar Shavings That Look Like Raw Bacon

Vegan Bacon.

Bananas That Can Bite Back!

Grapefruit? Meat? It's clearly better not to go here hungry

Lady Gaga could just make herself a dress out of this material.

Chocolate Swiss Roll

Just a little cinnamon!

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