The electric Fiat 500e turned out to be of no use to anyone, the plant was stopped (2 photos)

19 September 2024

The Stellantis concern announced the suspension of assembly of the Fiat 500e electric car at the plant in Turin. The pause was motivated by weak demand - Fiat simply has no orders. The conveyor will be idle for four weeks. At the same time, Fiat has already developed a rescue plan - they plan to make the car a hybrid.

Stellantis confirmed the fact of the shortage of orders, but noted that now all manufacturers, and especially those producing electric cars, are facing serious difficulties in the European market.

In fact, the coming month will be the first since 2007 when not a single Fiat 500 will be made in Europe — the petrol version of the hatchback has been discontinued. The company is already working on a hybrid modification of the model, which will be the result of a kind of reengineering. The electric 500e should get a small internal combustion engine. Fiat expects that such a variation will return the iconic three-door to its former popularity. However, it will appear at the end of 2025 at best, and most likely in the first half of 2026. In parallel, a more capacious battery is planned for the 500e.

The hybrid assembly will be set up at the same Mirafiori plant where the 500e is produced. Stellantis will spend about 100 million euros on modernizing the plant and creating new versions of the "cinquecento".

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