How a microchip helped return a lost child home (8 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 17:37

A dog named Andora, who went missing two years ago in Pensacola, Florida, was found 900 miles away in Enid, Oklahoma. The story is full of mysteries and unexpected twists. The main thing is that everything ended well.

Andora, a brownish-gray pit bull, disappeared in 2021, and her owners, Brenna and her family, did not know what happened to her for a long time.

When Brenna found out her dog had been found, she couldn’t believe her ears. “I just couldn’t imagine her being that far away. We maxed out our credit cards, but it was worth it,” she recalls. She and her family rented a car and drove for nearly 14 hours straight.

The reunion happened late that night when the family finally made it to Enid. “We got there after 1 a.m., and when I saw Andora, I had tears in my eyes,” Brenna says. The dog immediately started asking for belly rubs as if she couldn’t believe she was back with them.

Andora was found by local residents, groomers Destiny Druze and Autumn Anderson. Destiny said, “When I saw this dog in my yard, I knew I had to do everything I could to find her owners.” She posted several times on Facebook, but couldn’t find the information she needed. “We hit a dead end, so I called Autumn to bring her a microchip reader,” Destiny added.

When they scanned Andora, her name popped up on the screen. “That’s when we called out, ‘Andora,’ and her ears perked up like she hadn’t heard her name in forever,” Destiny recalled. However, the scan didn’t include any information about the owner. “We decided to put out a found pet ad and hoped someone would come forward,” Autumn said.

Just ten minutes after they posted the ad, they got a call from Brenna. “I asked where my dog ​​was, I had never heard of Enid,” she says. “I was shocked that my beloved Andora was so far from home, but I was happy to know that she was safe.”

The family believes that Andora may have been stolen, as they live in an area where such incidents often occur. “We live in a bad area. There are a lot of people here who like to have pit bull fights, so we figured that’s where she ended up,” Brenna says.

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After reunion Andora returned home, where she immediately found her toys. “As soon as she walked in the door, she ran to where we keep all the dog toys and picked out her favorite one,” Brenna said with a smile. “Now she sleeps between my bed and my daughter’s bed, which is just incredible.”

When Destiny and Autumn learned of the reunion, they decided to share the touching story on social media to raise awareness. “We wanted everyone to know how much they loved their dog,” says Autumn. With the help of locals, the Denmark family was able to raise about $400 to cover travel expenses and vet bills for Andora.

It’s important to note that the reunion was made possible by a microchip. “Pets with microchips are three times more likely to be found at home than those without microchips,” says Autumn. “Without that, she would never have come home,” adds Destiny.

Andora is now enjoying the love and care of her family in her Florida home, where she feels safe and happy again. “It’s just a miracle that we’re back together,” concludes Brenna, hugging her favorite.

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