Every slap costs 50 euros: a Spaniard earns from 500€ for disrupting a wedding (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 17:37

Ernesto came up with a business for himself, which, oddly enough, became quite successful.

A resident of Spain named Ernesto shared his way of earning money. He comes to a wedding and upsets him by declaring himself the beloved bride (or, given the tolerant society of Europe, the groom). Of course, after these words there is a pause, and then there is a showdown between the future spouses standing at the altar.

More often than not, the situation ends in frustration, the wedding is canceled, and Ernesto gets his fee. He says that he has a tight schedule for the next couple of months until November. The clients are those who feel that they are not ready for family life, but are embarrassed to tell their chosen one.

Ernesto says that his work sometimes ends in beatings and injuries. He is ready for such a result - however, the client must pay extra for fights or insults. As well as provide the "homewrecker" with travel expenses if the wedding is taking place in a remote place.

“Each slap costs 50 euros. I try to run away, but I know that every time I get beaten up, I get paid more. So if I can walk slower, I walk slower. This is how I make my money,” says Ernesto.

Interestingly, Ernesto got into this business by accident. Once he recorded a funny scene in which he played the same role of a “homewrecker.” A video posted on social networks by one of his clients gave him an idea – the man was offered to play a lover at a real wedding and upset the celebration. And after the first success, they realized that they could make money on this.

“If you have doubts, you don’t want to get married or don’t know how to say “no”, don’t worry anymore, I will cancel the wedding for you,” says Ernesto in the video. “You only need to tell me the time, place and date, and I will show up at the ceremony. I will say that I am the love of your life, and we will run away together, holding hands.”

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