Chinese woman took revenge on neighbor for using toilet after 10 pm: court orders pay her compensation (3 photos)

Yesterday, 17:37

A noise-sensitive Chinese woman told her upstairs neighbor not to use the toilet at night, and when he refused, she retaliated by playing loud music and banging on the ceiling with a stick.

The dispute began in a residential building in Zhejiang Province when a woman surnamed Wang, who lives on the first floor, complained about the noise from her upstairs neighbor, Mr. Zhang. She claimed that she could not sleep because of his nocturnal activities - using the toilet, brushing his teeth, and random small sounds like bottle caps falling. Wang even insisted that her neighbor not use the toilet after 10 p.m.

Despite Zhang's attempts to accommodate her requests, wearing soft slippers and laying down carpets, the noise continued to bother Wang. She then took revenge by banging on the ceiling with a stick and playing loud music. This continued even after the police came several times and confiscated her stick and music speakers.

Eventually, Zhang could not stand it any longer and was forced to move to a rented apartment in the same block. He tried to rent out his apartment, but potential tenants left, unable to stand Wang's aggressive behavior.

Zhang filed a lawsuit, asking for 33,000 yuan to cover moving expenses and moral damages. Wang, on the other hand, claimed that he had chosen to move and did not consider herself at fault.

However, the court ruled that Wang's behavior was excessive and ordered her to pay 17,600 yuan in compensation for expenses and another 2,000 yuan for moral damages.

The story caused a huge stir on Chinese social media, gaining more than 50 million views on the Weibo platform. Most users condemned Wang's actions, with one commenter writing: "If you're so sensitive to noise, buy yourself a separate house."

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