A man launched a drone to tease his neighbor’s dog: the dog turned out to be smarter (2 photos)

1 July 2024

A neighbor flew a drone around an American woman's house to tease her dog, but the dog managed to disarm the aircraft. After this incident, the man demanded compensation in the amount of $900, but the court fined him instead.

The author of the post said that a neighbor often flies a drone over her house to tease the dog, but one day a smart pet thought of catching the device.

“A neighbor was knocking on my door, shouting obscenities. It turned out he was flying his drone over my yard again, but this time the dog managed to destroy it,” the woman writes.

According to her, the man demanded compensation for repairs to the aircraft, but she refused and closed the door right on his nose.

“I asked him to stop several times, but he always refused, saying that the airspace did not belong to me... The police asked the neighbor not to do this again in order to avoid a conflict, but this did not help,” adds the dog’s owner.

Later, the woman turned to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) hotline for advice and filed a lawsuit. Surprisingly, she managed to prove that she was right: the neighbor was ordered to pay for veterinary services for the dog, in particular x-rays, dental examinations, sedatives and medications. In total it cost $2,000.

“Now he is prohibited from flying over my site, but I installed CCTV cameras just in case,” noted the author of the story.

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