A Chinese woman gained 20 kg in a year due to stress at work (2 photos)

Yesterday, 17:37

A 24-year-old Chinese woman named Ouyang Wenjing gained 20 kg in a year due to stress at work. She often worked overtime and relied on food from delivery services.

This is not the first time the girl has encountered excess weight. It is reported that in high school she weighed 105 kg, but then she lost 45 kg over several years. Then the weight came back again due to stressful work. She said that the new job was a “disaster” for her physical and mental health. However, the Chinese woman did not name the nature of her work or profession.

Ouyang Wenjing shared on social networks that she often worked overtime for a year and had an irregular schedule. Due to lack of time, she did not cook for herself and ate only ready-made food from delivery.

After being fired, the Chinese woman's weight began to go away. She began to stick to a balanced diet and admitted that she now feels much better.

Despite the fact that Chinese labor laws prohibit employees from working more than 40 hours a week, many employers neglect these rules. The 996 schedule, working from 9am to 9pm six days a week, is still common in China. It is reported that people in the country have a hard time finding a job that allows two days off a week.

Doctors advise people who are facing this problem of “fatigue from overwork” to eat a more balanced diet, include more vegetables in their diet and try to find time for physical exercise

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