The couple hid the purchase of a house from relatives for two years (4 photos)

29 February 2024

Buying a home is always a big deal. Often you want to share it with those closest to you. However, not everyone wants relatives to drop by to visit them - and they are even willing to hide the fact that they bought a house for years. A forum user under the nickname Low_Muffin shared this story and received thousands of likes.

A user of the Reddit forum under the nickname Low_Muffin_292283 shared a story that received a huge number of likes and comments. The girl said that one day she and her husband thought about buying a country house by the lake - and told their relatives about it.

“Several years ago, my husband and I told our relatives that we wanted to buy a country house by the lake. In our country, almost everyone lives in apartments, so everyone was very happy. My mother immediately decided that she would build a vegetable garden in the courtyard of our house. My husband’s sister said, that she could bring her kids there for the summer. My sister started talking about family picnics. My husband's brother 'joked' that it would be a good place for weekend drinking," the girl wrote.

She and her husband were horrified to learn about their relatives' "plans" for a house that they had not yet bought at all. The couple didn’t want anything like that - they dreamed of a quiet place where they could finally relax, arrange everything to their liking, and raise their children away from the “hustle and bustle of the family.” They ended up buying a house, but decided to lie to their relatives about it:

“We decided to tell them that the deal fell through and there would be no house. In the end, it’s not even their business. Only we bought the house, and they had nothing to do with it. We are not obliged to tell them about this. We told about the purchase only to the best friends with whom I was there on the weekend,” the author of the post continued.

However, two years later, the truth was revealed: the girl’s sister found out that they had a house from social networks.

"Two years have passed, and recently my sister accidentally found out about this house because one of my friends posted a photo from there. Now our families are furious. Many relatives do not want to talk to us until we tell them the address. My mother even asked spare keys. This is exactly what we tried so hard to avoid,” the girl said.

The couple began to doubt what to do and even asked for advice on the forum. Some users advised not to give any addresses to annoying relatives, and to continue to live a quiet life in a new home. Others wrote that they still had to not lie, but inform about the purchase of a house - but immediately define their boundaries. What would you do?

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