Super typhoon "Yagi" terrorizes southern China (5 photos + 9 videos)

Yesterday, 19:16

Yesterday, the residents of the Celestial Empire were busy taking photos of incredibly spectacular lightning during a thunderstorm, and today they are already fleeing from a powerful typhoon that has covered the south of the country.

Let's start with a thunderstorm in Haikou, Hainan Province. I can't pass by, the locals took such beautiful photos.

A few hours later, a strong storm with heavy rain hit Hong Kong International Airport.

On Hainan Island (it is in the video below) classes in schools were suspended, almost 420 thousand people were evacuated due to bad weather.

This is what this horror looks like from satellites.

This is the second most powerful typhoon this year, with wind speeds reaching 234 km/h. The first is the Atlantic hurricane "Beryl" of the 5th category.

An hour after "Yagi" arrived in Hainan, 830 thousand families were cut off from electricity, the Xinhua news agency reported. Flights and ferries were cancelled, businesses were closed, and more than 10 million people were advised not to go outside.

At the same time, the Baojin Primary School station in Wenchang recorded a minimum atmospheric pressure of 922.0 hPa, which broke the record for the lowest sea level pressure measured in China.

Nine people were injured in Hong Kong. Ground public transport was almost completely stopped, and about a hundred flights were cancelled at the airport. Classes at educational institutions were suspended, and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange did not conduct trading due to bad weather.

Currently, there is a strong wind with rain in the Vietnamese capital, a strong storm is expected in the evening.

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