Some modern technologies promoted by automakers are considered excessive or simply annoying by buyers (3 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 19:16

Many multimedia innovations promoted by manufacturers are not understood by the audience. This is the conclusion reached by analysts from J.D. Power as part of the latest study of technological innovations.

The analysts compiled a rating of the most technologically advanced auto brands, placing Genesis in first place not only in the premium segment, but also in the absolute standings. Among the premium, Lexus and BMW were also among the top three. Among the mass brands, Hyundai, Kia and GMC were especially noted. In the model standings, for example, Toyota Sequoia was singled out for its high-quality rear-view camera, Kia Carnival for its driver assistants and BMW X6 for its wide media capabilities and online services.

However, in addition to the rating, J.D. Power also formulated a number of interesting trends in the field of technological innovation. The main one is that manufacturers often try to solve problems that motorists did not even suspect with new developments. As a result, cars are stuffed with technologies that developers present as breakthroughs and improve the user experience, but in practice, their use causes mainly negative emotions.

For example, the participants of the study had many questions about the functionality of controlling the media system using gestures. The promotion of passenger displays was called pointless. According to statistics, only 10% of motorists regularly carry someone next to them. Some electronic assistants do not live up to expectations, since motorists believe that they can cope with the controls without their help. Finally, owner recognition technologies, including Face ID or a fingerprint scanner, were called not solving any tangible problems.

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