A man with an incredible memory sets a new world record (3 photos)

Yesterday, 19:16

Indian Memory Master Memorizes 14,000 Digits of Euler's Number, Sets Record

Euler's number is an irrational number, like Pi. It starts at 2.71828 and continues after the decimal point to infinity, and the sequence of digits in it never repeats.

Before setting the record, Deepu V was blindfolded and had his ears checked to ensure he could not cheat. No mistakes or pauses longer than 15 seconds were allowed. It took an Indian memory master just 49 minutes to recall 14,000 digits of e in the correct order.

Deepu V has had the ability to memorize numbers since childhood. He can memorize over 5,000 phone numbers and once set a record by reciting 2,000 digits of pi faster than other contenders.

In preparation for setting the record for Euler's number, he used his own spreadsheet method. He divided the 14,000 digits into four pages, and divided each page into 10 columns and 20 rows with five-digit numbers.

From Monday to Thursday, he memorized 250 digits a day, and spent the remaining three days consolidating the information. He also recorded himself and reviewed the recording to spot any mistakes. It took him four months to prepare.

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