For food and utilities: mother of many children charges rent to her young children (2 photos + 1 video)
A woman named Millie believes that schools don't teach her children enough about how to live in the real world, so she instills financial literacy in her children from an early age.
A woman named Millie, who makes videos for the social network TikTok, shared with fans her method of raising children, of whom she has three. She decided to charge them a fee for the apartment in which they all live together.
The mother of many children is convinced that children should learn independence and responsibility with money from an early age, so she decided to teach them a lesson, because they won’t learn this at school.
“Every week they get £5 (270 hryvnia) for housework. As soon as they pay, we mark it on the tracking sheet to confirm the payment in the folder,” the mother of many children says about her system.
Of the £5 for pocket money, the children only have £2 left per week. £1 per month goes to rent, £1 for food and £1 for utilities.
But even the remaining £2 children must spend consciously, so Millie asks them every time whether it is necessary and whether they will be happy after the purchase.
"It helps them not to waste their emotions on toys and sweets and to develop an understanding of how to spend their money. We wanted our children to learn about expenses and bills in a safe environment, and this has helped us a lot," Millie continues.
You can't teach this in schools, so the mother of many children is convinced that her children should have learned about this side of adult life from her.

However, not everyone shares her method and believes that children should be allowed to remain children as long as possible, and Millie can go too far with such methods.
One commenter asked if the children would be evicted from the house if they did not pay, while another questioned the method altogether, since "when they grow up, they will just spend the money, since they are no longer in prison."
There were also those who supported the woman's efforts to make her children financially literate.