Ella Macpherson told why she refused chemotherapy for breast cancer (4 photos)

Today, 16:59

Australian supermodel Ella Macpherson has revealed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She also explained why she decided to reject standard medical solutions in favor of alternative treatments.

On September 3, the 60-year-old model released a memoir in which she talks not only about her career, but also about her personal life, including the fact that she was diagnosed with breast cancer seven years ago.

At age 53, Macpherson received a shocking diagnosis of HER2-positive estrogen-receptor intraductal carcinoma, an aggressive type of breast cancer in which cells produce too much of the growth-promoting protein HER2. Doctors urged her to undergo a mastectomy, grueling chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation, and breast reconstruction.

However, despite the diagnosis being “a surprise and a disconcerting one,” Macpherson decided to take a different path. She felt that chemotherapy and surgery were a last resort, and after consulting with 32 doctors and experts over several weeks, she decided to trust her gut.

She saw a doctor who specialized in integrative medicine, which is more person-centered and focuses on lifestyle changes along with specific treatments. She then rented a house in Phoenix, Arizona, where she spent eight months consulting with a primary care physician, a naturopathic doctor, a holistic dentist, an osteopath, a chiropractor, and two therapists to “heal” herself.

McPherson explains that for her, it was a "wonderful exercise in being true to myself, trusting myself, trusting the nature of my body and the course of action that I chose." She says that saying "no" to standard medical decisions was the hardest thing she's ever done in her life, as people around her thought she was crazy. However, she knew she had to make choices that "really resonated" with her in order to address the emotional and physical factors associated with breast cancer.

The woman is currently in clinical remission and considers herself to be “in perfect health” not only in terms of blood tests and scans, but also “emotionally, spiritually and mentally.” She decided to write about her experiences in a memoir to “help and encourage others to follow their hearts” when making decisions, rather than being distracted by “other people’s external opinions.” McPherson encourages people to “learn to slow down, become very quiet and very still, and feel what really resonates with them without being distracted by the opinions of others.”

It is important to note that Ella McPherson’s decision to forgo standard medical treatment for breast cancer and instead turn to alternative methods comes with significant risks. Her approach does not guarantee a long-term cure and may put the health of patients who decide to follow her example at risk. Medical professionals typically recommend proven treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, which have been shown to be effective in fighting cancer.

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