A traveling cat has conquered the main peaks of Great Britain (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Today, 17:00

Louis has made history by conquering the highest mountains in England, Scotland and Wales. Together with his owners Jess Peters and Dan Taylor, the seven-year-old Persian cat spent 29 hours climbing Scafell Pike, Ben Nevis and Snowdon. And he was never picked up!

The Hants couple said their pet is in good physical condition. Louis walks a staggering 9.5 km daily.

"Our cat is a bit like a dog because he loves adventure. Other cats have climbed mountains but Louie was the first cat to climb the Three Summits. We've tested that. It's great to have his name written into history," said Taylor.

On Saturday Louie conquered his third mountain, reaching the summit of Scafell Pike in the Lake District.

In August he climbed Ben Nevis in the Grampians in Scotland, and in May he climbed the Welsh mountain Snowdon.

Taylor shared: "When we first went to Snowdon, we thought it would be fun to take the cat with us because he loves adventure. He goes for walks every day, about five or six miles on average. We track him with a tracker, and he'll wander around the streets, do things he's interested in, or sit in a tree. Louis was more prepared for the mountains than we were. He has a harness and lead for these walks, and a few clothes and coats. We took water and food for him, and a blanket in case he got cold."

"As we were climbing, he'd spot something interesting and head towards it, and we'd follow him."

It took 8 hours to climb Snowdon, 11 hours to climb Ben Nevis and 10 hours to climb Scafell Pike.

"Everyone was amazed when they saw a cat in the mountains. We were constantly stopped, it took a lot of time. It got to the point where people were asking: "Oh my God, is that a cat?" And I was like, "No, it's a penguin." Of course, Louis got tired and we took a break to rest."

The couple are planning a new hike, and of course, with their pet.

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