Everest record set - man made 30 ascents (5 photos)

24 May 2024

A new record has been set - the same person has climbed Everest a total of 30 times. What kind of desperate athlete is this? Yes, no, of course. This is Sherpa. That is, the guide who lives under the mountain and takes tourists to the top as if to work.

They celebrate in style, they even brought in a limousine with an open roof!

It took thirty years

Sherpa Kami Rita first climbed Everest in 1994 as a member of a commercial expedition. And since then he has climbed the mountain every year, simply accompanying tourists who need help climbing.

A 54-year-old Nepalese climber known as the "Man of Everest" has reached the summit of the world's tallest mountain (8,849m), three decades after his first ascent.

It’s cold in the mountains, but the sun is “evil”, that’s why the Sherpas are so tanned

Do you know who set the last world climbing record? Of course he is. That was 29 climbs last year that no one could (or had time to) beat.

As Sherpa himself says, “he just worked and didn’t intend to set any records.”

“I’m happy about the record, but in the end, all records are broken sooner or later,” admitted Kami Rita. “I’m more proud that my climbs are raising awareness of Nepal around the world.” I brought a little glory to my country.

Sherpa with his climbing certificates

But in fact, Kami Rita is a little cunning. When another Sherpa reached 28 ascents last year, Kami rushed to complete two ascents in a year to stake his claim as the first.

At the same time, Sherpas are not just guides, since they are accustomed to the mountains, often identifying deaths and reporting the location of the dead falls on them. When people descend from the mountain, they are in such stress and tension that their thoughts are confused, they pass by the bodies of the dead, not even remembering where they are.

And one Sherpa a year makes at least five statements about “finds” on the mountains.

Sherpas also often rescue or report tourists who have fallen.

How many people are going to Everest?

Nepal now issues lifting permits. This is necessary both to reduce the number of victims and to invest in the development of tourism infrastructure.

More than 900 permits have been issued this year, of which only 419 allow access to Everest. This brought the country $5 million in revenue.

Last year there were more tourists on Everest - more than 600 people. And it turned into a great tragedy, 2023 became the deadliest season in history.

18 deaths were officially registered. This year so far five.

I would prohibit men who have small children in their families from climbing Everest, the risk is unjustified, I feel sorry for the children

But Nepal has a serious competitor with its licenses; China this year for the first time since the pandemic resumed admission to the Tibetan route for foreigners.

Despite the fact that I don’t understand the people who are having a hard time climbing Everest, I respect the record of Kami Rita Sherpa. He is, after all, a “shepherd of people” who climb and climb the mountain every year to kill themselves, and sometimes survive only thanks to such guides.

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