Disney released an alphabet book based on the Alien universe

3 September 2024

A video has appeared online showing illustrations of the alphabet based on the Alien universe. The best gift for the youngest fans?

At the end of 2023, Disney announced that it plans to release an alphabet based on the film Alien. Well. No sooner said than done. The author of this video has already acquired one of these alphabets, and apparently, he really likes it. The creators of the book were able to turn a horror film into something so cute that it is difficult to tear your eyes away from it.

The pages are full of charming illustrations, where the xenomorph looks like it is about to invite readers to a tea party. Now parents will be torn between the desire to instill in their children a love of science fiction and the fear that their child will start looking for Alien eggs under the bed. This alphabet is a real gift for those who want to raise a child ready for any surprises on a galactic scale.

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