“Thieves’ schools” have appeared in India, where children are taught to become pickpockets at rich weddings (3 photos)

Today, 03:45

In the Indian province, unfortunately, illegal educational institutions are gaining popularity. Parents from poor families save up significant amounts of money to send their teenage children to “schools” where experienced criminals teach them to rob guests at rich weddings.

The publication reports that such a practice has gained popularity in several villages in the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India. Parents send their children, usually aged 12-13, to be trained by local gangs, where they are “taught” pickpocketing, snatching bags in public places, avoiding the police, enduring beatings and other “subjects”. Children are also taught gambling and selling alcohol.

A place in such a “school” costs parents 200-300 thousand rupees ($2400-3600), but the earnings of “graduates” can exceed this amount by 5-6 times. In addition, the gangs pay families an annual “allowance” of 300-500 thousand rupees for the activities of their children.

According to local media, a total of about 300 teenagers who have undergone such training are involved in thefts across the country. Lavish weddings are especially popular. For example, on August 8, during a lavish celebration in the city of Jaipur, a bag with jewelry worth 15 million rupees ($180,000) was stolen, as well as 100,000 rupees in cash.

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