10 people who became millionaires by implementing ideas that many would find stupid (11 photos)

1 September 2024

How to become a millionaire? Most experts will say that big money doesn't lie around on the road, and to get it you'll have to work hard. In extreme cases, you can try to find a treasure. Fortunately, getting rich is easier than it seems. It's enough to come up with a ridiculous, but very entertaining thing that everyone will want to buy.

Billy the Singing Largemouth Bass

A funny bass named Billy was invented by Joe Pelletier in 1998. The toy was especially popular with children, as it could move its tail and sing in a funny, nasal voice. Billy quickly became a real people's favorite in the USA. In the first year of sales, the toy earned 100 million dollars.

Car Antenna Balls

Car antenna balls do not have any functional value. Drivers attach them as a funny accessory.

Jason Wall came up with a cool thing for decorating cars. A little later, he founded the AntennaBalls company. The first sales started in 1997. In 2004, Jason was already a multimillionaire.

Potato Message

In 2015, a guy named Alex Craig came up with a funny service called Potatoe Parcel Service or potato message. The customer goes to the website, buys one potato, orders an inscription of 100-140 characters on it. The company beautifully packages the gift and sends it anonymously to the specified address. The service costs $10. There are still an incredible number of people who want to order such a joke gift.


Flowbee is a strange hair cutting device that is attached to a regular vacuum cleaner with a hose. It was invented by Rick Hunts in 1986. The man sold the first samples of the invention to his acquaintances and friends. People liked the unusual styling thing so much that Rick soon began selling his device at fairs and exhibitions. Profits grew. Some time later, Flowbee began to be advertised on television. Over 15 years of sales, Hunts managed to sell more than 2 million copies of the "hair vacuum cleaner" and, of course, made a decent amount of money.

Pet Stone

An ordinary manager Gary Ross Dahl made a lot of money selling stones. One day, the guy overheard a conversation between two friends who were complaining about how difficult it was for them to take care of their pets. Gary came up with an amazing idea that involved creating a pet that would require no care at all. He found two investors, bought more stones, special boxes with holes for air, and pine shavings. As an advertisement, Gary came up with funny, enticing inscriptions for the packaging. In the first two weeks of sales alone, the guy managed to sell more than 1.5 million pet stones.

Rainbow Slinky

We are all familiar with the rainbow spring from our childhood. Back in 1943, it was invented by Richard James completely by accident. The engineer was designing a ship's device. He accidentally dropped the spring (which was supposed to become a part of the future device) from his hands, and it began to "walk" in a funny way. For a long time, the toy was only available in black. A few years later, it acquired colorful colors and a variety of shapes.

In the first 60 years, 300 million Slinky units were sold. Is it worth mentioning that this simple invention made its creator incredibly rich?

Wish Bones

Does everyone know the tradition of breaking the wishbones of a turkey or chicken to make a wish? Ken Aroni decided that every person should have the opportunity to make as many wishes as their heart desires. In 1999, he organized the mass production of plastic "bones". They cost $3 apiece. Buyers were found quite quickly. By 2006, Ken had become a millionaire.

Dog Glasses

One day in 1997, Roni Di Lullo noticed his dog squinting in bright sunlight. That's how the anatomically correct dog glasses Doggles were born. Today, Roni continues to make millions creating other accessories for pets.

Billy Bob's Teeth

In 1993, John White created funny false teeth that could change any person beyond recognition and turn them into a redneck. During its operation, his company was able to sell more than 20 million copies of Billy Bob teeth in various designs and colors.

Wacky Wall Walker

In the early 80s, Ken Hakuta invented a toy made of elastic material that stuck perfectly to the wall and slid down funny. The man realized that he could make good money on this. Ken launched mass production and a couple of months later earned more than 80t million dollars. It is curious that various variations of Wacky Wall Walker are still in demand in many countries around the world.

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