Russian Kasta radar destroyed in Zaporozhye, - SBU counterintelligence

17 August 2024
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The SBU counterintelligence service, in cooperation with the Defense Forces, destroyed the Russian Kasta radar system in the Zaporizhia region. This was reported by the SBU press service, Censor.NET reports.

Thus, the soldiers tracked down and adjusted fire on the enemy's 39N6 Kasta-2E2 long-range radar. Its cost, depending on the configuration, starts at $60 million.

"In fact, this radar station was the "eyes" of the Russian air defense, which controlled our airspace. The enemy hid it in the rear, carefully camouflaged it and often redeployed it. But military counterintelligence officers from the 13th Main Directorate of the SBU hunt for such rare targets. Therefore, this time they were able to track down the radar and direct fire at it to destroy it," the report says.

The SBU also noted that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the SBU has already destroyed 166 Russian air defense systems and 446 electronic warfare systems, as well as electronic and radio-technical reconnaissance systems, on the front line.

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