More than 1 thousand Russian tanks were destroyed by the SBU

18 June 2024
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Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the Security Service has destroyed 1,006 Russian tanks. As Censor.NET reports, the press service of the SBU reported this.

“The largest number of enemy armored vehicles were destroyed during fierce battles in the Donetsk and Kharkov regions. Using heavy armored vehicles, the aggressor often tried to break through the positions of Ukrainian defenders and provide cover for assault groups of invaders. In addition, the enemy regularly attracted tank formations to carry out attacks on the fortified areas of the Defense Forces in the Zaporozhye region,” the message says.

The operations were carried out jointly with units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

“The maximum arsenal of armor-piercing weapons and unmanned systems was used against enemy tanks.

A large number of Russian armored vehicles were hit at the initial lines of the offensive - before they went to storm the Ukrainian positions. Some of the tanks were destroyed along with their crews,” the Security Service added.

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