The latest enemy remote mining system Agriculture was destroyed by soldiers of the 47th Mechanized Infantry Brigade in the Pokrovsk direction

23 July 2024
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Drone operators from the 47th Mechanized Brigade "Magura" destroyed the latest enemy remote mining system "Agriculture" near the Avdeevsky coking plant in the Pokrovsk direction

According to Censor.NET, a video of the destruction of a Russian enemy installation was published on social networks.

“Agriculture” was first shown at the Victory Parade on Red Square, which took place on June 24, 2020 in Russia. "Agriculture" is intended to quickly create minefields at a distance of 5 to 15 km. It fires rockets that lay mines in a given area. The system lays minefields of any complexity, including those with ready-made passages for its troops. At the end of 2020, preliminary tests of this system were completed. The first vehicles entered service with Russian troops in 2020-2021.

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