How a successful Las Vegas chef became a dungeon dweller (9 photos + 1 video)

Today, 08:59

Drew Binksy, in his documentary, talked about the so-called “mole people” of Sin City. The nomadic community of about 1,500 people lives in a network of tunnels beneath luxury hotels and casinos. A former chef who once made $87,000 a year shared his story.

The tunnels were built after a catastrophic flood in 1975

While crossing a dark section of the tunnel, Drew encounters a man and decides to ask him about life. It turns out that the homeless man used to work at the prestigious Wynn hotel in Hawaii and earned $87,000 a year.

“I was not an ordinary cook, I cooked for Mr. Winn... He loves an omelette with mozzarella and burnt onions,” the interview hero shared.

He also made it clear that he did not like the team: “Everyone turned their noses up and behaved pretentiously.”

The man then worked as an Uber driver, which he said was "fun."

When asked how he ended up in the dungeon, the man only answered: “I wanted to be away from the cops.”

Despite the terrible living conditions, the homeless man is quite happy with his situation, but he really misses his car, a huge bathroom and a cool kitchen.

He has no intention of returning to catering: “As a result, you have to work 16-18 hours a day to pay for housing that you don’t use.”

The cook has been living in the tunnels for over a year and can make a good living by searching for treasures.

Former chef from Oahu, Hawaii, formerly worked at the prestigious Wynn hotel and earned $87,000 a year

He shows Drew his finds, which include Jordan sneakers and a $5,000 bicycle. He had almost a kilogram of silver and 200 grams of gold, but the treasures were stolen. And one day he came across a Cartier Ballon Bleu watch worth about $10,000, but it was stolen while he was looking for a pawnshop.

The underground resident did not hide the fact that he uses drugs.

After spending several hours in the catacombs, Drew concluded: "My feet are completely wet, they smell like crap, and what am I complaining about? These people have nothing... they're drug addicts. It's very sad. They really need help. Underneath the glitz and glamour There is a dark side to Sin City that no one talks about, and today I got to see it firsthand. The homeless need our help, they need resources to combat drug addiction and mental illness."

Drew gained safe access to the Las Vegas tunnels thanks to the non-profit organization Shine A Light. This is a homeless service that started operating in 2009.

Rob, Drew's guide

Drew's guide Rob used to live in a dungeon and now works for an organization helping other people get back on their feet and overcome drug addiction.

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