Lottery winner creatively hid his identity (6 photos)

24 May 2024

Winning the lottery is an event that can very well change your life. But not all winners are ready to show themselves to the public and shout joyfully that they have won a million dollars. Someone prefers to hide from many eyes - like, for example, the hero of this post.

A man who won the Super Lotto in Jamaica came to claim his winnings in an unusual outfit. He donned the famous mask from Scream, a long coat, trousers and gloves. The winner is known to be named A. Campbell and he won $158 million in Jamaican dollars (that's about $1.2 million in US dollars). The man used an unusual outfit to hide his identity.

Here's what the man says about his winnings:

"I looked at my lottery ticket, realized I had won, ran to the bathroom and screamed, 'I won!' I won!" From that day on, I felt sick. I had a headache for three days because I was thinking a lot and realizing what had happened. My stomach hurt for two weeks, and sometimes I felt so bad that I completely forgot that I had won," - said the winner.

Campbell said the first thing he will do with his winnings is buy himself a new house. According to him, he always handles money carefully, does not borrow and considers purchases that can generate income in the future. The man has a small business, and he also plans to expand it.

Perhaps the man did the right thing in wanting to hide his identity. There have been cases when lottery winners regretted their fame. Willie Seely, who won a share of the $450 million Powerball lottery, ended up regretting his rise to fame. He said that he could not return to his old life before his winnings attracted enormous attention from the press and the public.

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