Brazilian musician died after hugging a fan (3 photos)

Today, 08:59

35-year-old rocker Aires Sasaki died on stage. The fan hugged him, but was wearing wet clothes, and the musician received an electric shock from an unprotected cable.

The tragic incident occurred in Salinopolis, Brazil, on July 13th. Police are investigating but have not released details. The singer's family also refrains from commenting.

Aunt Rita Matos told local media: "We only know that his performance was scheduled for a certain time and was rescheduled, but we are interviewing people who were with him at that moment to understand how everything happened."

Representatives of the Solar Hotel, where the concert took place, expressed condolences to Sasaki's family and friends.

They said in a statement: “We are cooperating with authorities in the investigation and are committed to supporting the family.”

Off stage, Sasaki was an architect and is survived by his wife, Mariana, with whom he was married for only 11 months.

Friend and singer Adriano Freitas said: "We were friends off stage. Aires was a super charismatic guy, incredibly talented. He was the best singer and guitarist in Belem. A great friend and family man, attentive to his friends and to those who appreciated his work." .

According to Adriano, a friend once played an encore for 12 hours straight.

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