To avoid legal proceedings over two plane crashes, Boeing admitted guilt in fraud (4 photos)

Category: Aviation, PEGI 0+
11 July 2024

The two plane crashes killed 346 people.

RBC reports that Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to fraud. It is reported that the decision requires the approval of a federal judge and “potentially threatens the ability to enter into government contracts with the US Department of Defense and NASA.” However, the company did this in order to avoid litigation and intense media attention due to two plane crashes in which Boeing was to blame.

The cause of these disasters was a defect - erroneous sensor readings, which led to a dive. Boeing has been charged with fraud for deceiving regulators about the malfunction of the 737 MAX, Reuters reports.

We are talking about two plane crashes that occurred in 2018 and 2019. In 2018, a Boeing 737 MAX crashed into the Java Sea in Indonesia. 189 people died in the plane crash. In March 2019, an Ethiopian Airlines plane crashed, killing 157 people. In both cases, the pilots reported that the planes themselves were to blame for the disaster.

The debris took several days to be recovered from the sea.

Relatives of the victims are not happy that the company is accused only of fraud. In addition, Boeing will pay a fine of $243.6 million and will be required to appoint a corporate monitor for three years. Relatives of the victims are confident that the company is doing everything to get away with it and does not want to be held responsible for the dead people.

Boeing demands record compensation of $25 billion

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