Refused to leave: an insolent man decided to spend the night in the yard of an unfamiliar woman (3 photos)

1 July 2024

Erica White politely asked the stranger to leave her territory, but he did not even want to listen to her. The woman had to threaten the offender with the police.

In the UK, an insolent man refused to leave after setting up a tent in the garden of a stranger's house.

A Dartford family woke up to find a stranger had pitched a tent in their yard. Erica White, 38, couldn't believe her eyes when her son spotted the unusual sight at dawn, around 6:35 a.m. The insolent man positioned himself right on the lawn in front of the house. The disheartened mother of three decided to go and ask the impudent stranger to get out of her territory, but he did not want to listen to her.

"It was absolute audacity. My youngest boy looked out the window to check the weather and said to me, 'Mum, there's a tent.' It literally took up our entire garden. I walked out. I didn't want to be aggressive. He looked at me. I said: “Excuse me, do you understand that you are in my yard in a tent? Could you move, please?" Erica said, recalling the strange encounter.

To her surprise, the sleepy man first ignored her polite request, and then settled into the tent and began to eat strawberry shortcake. Erica's doorbell camera did not record any activity, leading her to believe that the intruder had cleverly pitched his tent nearby and moved it to her site under cover of darkness.

“I remember hearing a noise around five in the morning, but I thought it was just a clothes dryer,” Erica added.

Confronted with him twice, first at 06:35 and then at 06:50 in the morning, the woman threatened to call the police. Only after threats did the man finally pack up his things and leave Erica’s yard.

The British woman, puzzled by the stranger's actions, suggested that he might be a man hired to work on a nearby fruit picking farm, since many workers use the same road. He looked presentable and did not appear homeless, she said.

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