The fox stole a bowl of water

29 June 2024

A surveillance camera installed on a private property captured the moment the fox stole a bowl of water. Image is nothing - thirst is everything!

It is no secret that foxes have a thieving character, and sometimes such manifestations of “criminal tendencies” are incredibly funny.

For example, viewers make fun of a video that appeared on the Internet. As you might guess, the fox became the main character of the shots. The animal appeared in the yard of some homeowners and looked around with interest in search of prey. Finally, the choice was made, and the criminal's goal was a bowl of water.

A few seconds later, the fox was already leaving with a bowl he really needed (splashing water in the process).

The question remains: why was this done? Why would a fox even need a bowl? However, even if we could ask the fox herself about this, the answer probably would not satisfy us. Needed - and that's all.

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