Elon Musk again announced a flying Tesla (3 photos)

26 June 2024

An ideal car for bad roads has been found.

In short, another brilliant idea of ​​an enterprising billionaire has again excited the minds of science fiction lovers. While the world is creating air cars that are more similar to the Pepelats from the film by Georgy Danelia, Musk decided that a car, even a flying one, should look like a car.

The very concept of the Tesla Roadster electric car was presented to the general public back in 2017, even then Max said that the company was working on implementing the ability to raise the car above the ground using additional equipment.

After 4 years, he announced that this model would receive “rocket technology.” And now, after another three years, he again started talking about a levitating car. But now not only the idea has been presented, but also the release date of the prototype has been announced.

When Musk previously hinted that the upcoming Roadster would be a joint project between Tesla and SpaceX, he said the project was expected to be completed and officially unveiled by the end of this year.

According to the plan, the car should rise into the air using 10 small rocket boosters running on compressed cold gas. The take-off height will be 1-1.8 meters, so that in the event of a breakdown, passengers and the driver remain safe and sound.

Mass production is planned for 2025, the price of the car is predicted to be $200,000 and above.

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