Master class from Elon Musk on how to ask for a bonus at work (2 photos)

10 June 2024

Are you embarrassed to ask your boss for money for hard work? Take a cue from Tesla's most thoughtful CEO.

Here the other day, Elon Musk announced that he was going to leave Tesla due to the lack, attention (!), of motivation for further work. But if they pay him a bonus of $56 billion, then so be it.

Voting on the payment will take place on June 13. Tesla Chairman Robin Denholm is calling on the company's shareholders to approve Musk's huge bonus, otherwise the company risks losing its billionaire CEO.

“Elon is not a typical executive and Tesla is not a typical company,” Denholm wrote in a letter to shareholders filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. “So the typical way companies compensate key executives will not lead to Tesla's results. It takes something different to motivate someone like Elon. He also has no shortage of ideas and other places where he can make incredible contributions to the world. We want these ideas, this energy and this time at Tesla for the benefit of you, our owners. But it requires mutual respect."

If the vote goes in Musk's favor, he will become the highest paid CEO in modern history. But some of the co-founders are not at all delighted with such bonuses and are not ready to approve them, but the other half is sure that the billionaire must be retained by any means necessary.

Friends, very soon we will find out what will win, Musk’s enchanting self-confidence or the greed of the Tesla board of directors. There is talk on the sidelines of the company that there will be no bonus.

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