A man found an entrance to a secret dungeon from World War II in a cemetery (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

Armed with a flashlight, the author of the video began to move through the labyrinth, consisting of a network of rooms along a narrow corridor.

In the video, a traveler explores a creepy bunker in Croatia, also called "Fratelli Croce".

"Are you wondering what I'm doing under the cemetery? Exploring a World War II underground fortress built by the Italians," he said at the beginning of the video.

Armed with a flashlight, the author of the video began to move through the labyrinth, consisting of a network of rooms along a narrow corridor. Carrying a map of the underground lair, he moved from one room to another and found along the way what, in his opinion, could be artifacts almost a century old.

Netizens in the comments thanked the blogger for the interesting content.

“Amazing, thanks for sharing. My uncle’s brothers-in-arms are buried in this cemetery. I studied history in college, so I’m following your work with interest”;

"Amazing find! It was epic!";

"Another one of your very interesting studies!"

"I worked in an old barracks from World War II. I was told that weapons were stored in such caches."

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