A 63-year-old woman became the oldest mother in Italy (6 photos)

Category: Health, Children, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

Flavia Alvaro, who will turn 64 in October, was treated for infertility in Ukraine. On June 3, the Italian gave birth to her long-awaited son, Sebastian.

Happy mother Flavia Alvaro

Flavia underwent the procedure of in vitro fertilization in a clinic in Kyiv, since there is no age limit for infertility treatment in the country.

The woman gave birth by caesarean section at 32 weeks of pregnancy at Versilia Hospital in Lido di Camaiore, north-west Italy.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Andrea Marsili told Corrier della Sera: “Flavia organized the trips to Ukraine herself, completely independently, and I only found out about it after the fact.”

Sebastian was born weighing 2 kg and is now in the ward for premature babies.

Versilia Hospital in Lido di Camaiore, Italy

Alvaro came to Kyiv last fall; her treatment cost her 15,000 euros. The first attempt at IVF ended in a miscarriage, but in the end the efforts were crowned with success.

Moreover, the woman broke the previous record for the oldest woman in labor in Italy. This title was held for 14 years by singer Gianna Nannini, who gave birth to Penelope at the age of 56.

Indian resident Erramatti Mangamma

However, Alvaro is not as old as the world record holder, Erramatti Mangamma. In 2019, a 73-year-old Indian woman gave birth to twins. Mangamma also underwent in vitro fertilization.

Mangamma and her husband Sitarama Rajarao surrounded by medical staff

Flavia is close in age to another British record holder, Elizabeth Adeney, who gave birth to a son in 2009 at the age of 66.

British record holder Elizabeth Adeney

The businesswoman also went to Ukraine to undergo IVF, as clinics in the kingdom refuse to treat patients over 50, and the National Health Service does not recommend infertility treatment for women over 40.

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