A tribe in the Amazon forests was connected to the Internet: the natives say it would be better if it didn’t exist (3 photos + 1 video)

6 June 2024

Local residents were able to browse the web, log into social networks and watch streaming videos at high speed. However, there are several important nuances.

The Marubo people, who live in the Amazon forest along Brazil's Itui River, have gained access to Elon Musk's Starlink satellite internet. However, the response of the Aboriginal people to these innovations was not at all what might have been expected. Until recently, the Brazilian tribe, which lives in communal huts, reportedly had no access to the internet. This changed in 2022 with the launch of Starlink, when local residents were able to browse the web, log into social networks and watch streaming videos at high speeds.

“When high-speed Internet appeared, everyone was happy,” said 73-year-old Tsainama Marubo tribe member.

However, despite all the benefits, the woman believes that this has made her people “lazy.”

"Now everything has become even worse. Young people have become lazy because of the Internet because they want to live like white people," she says.

Tsainama's position is partially supported by the father of three children, Kaipa. This man is grateful for the educational benefits of high-speed Internet access, but is also concerned about the first-person video games his children have started playing. In his opinion, there is a risk that they will begin to imitate what they see on the screen.

Tribal leader Enoke Marubo, 40, is also worried.

“It has changed the daily routine so much that it has become disastrous. In our village, if you don’t hunt, fish or grow vegetables or fruits, then you don’t eat. However, I think that the Internet will bring us much more benefit than harm. At least at least for now,” he noted.

The leader of the association of local villages, Alfredo, holds less optimistic views. He worries that after watching adult films, young people will want to repeat these practices.

However, now the Marubo people cannot live without the Internet, because thanks to modern technologies it is possible to seek help much faster in case of emergency.

Previously, local residents relied on amateur radio, whose signal traveled between several villages before reaching civilization. For example, now with the help of helicopters it is possible to rescue people bitten by poisonous snakes much faster.

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