Magnetic fishing enthusiasts caught a safe containing a hundred thousand dollars from the lake (5 photos)

3 June 2024

Last Friday, James Cain and Barbie Agostini lifted a safe from the bottom of a lake in a New York park. They were able to open the metal box and find blackened stacks of $100 bills.

"It was two stacks of damn hundreds. Big stacks," Kane said in an interview.

The couple have been magnetic fishing for several years and have found safes more than once, but they were all empty.

“As soon as I saw real dollars, I was speechless,” Barbie admitted.

“Unfortunately, the bills were completely wet and virtually destroyed,” James added.

They called the police to avoid trouble with the law. Arriving officers said they had never seen anything like it.

The safe was probably stolen and its owner could not be identified, so the police allowed the fishermen to keep the catch.

“The rule worked: the find belongs to the finder,” Kane explained.

Queens residents have discovered magnet fishing during the pandemic.

“We were bored during self-isolation, and I always dreamed of becoming a treasure hunter... so we discovered something called magnetic fishing,” the man said.

He calls the hobby "a poor man's treasure hunt." Their finds included a World War II grenade they pulled from Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn and seven guns, some dating back to the 19th century.

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