14 times people discovered a locked safe at home (15 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
8 November 2023

Safes are great things to hide valuables. But if they are over 50 years old, and you suddenly find them in your house, then different thoughts immediately creep in: what’s inside, how to open it, is it safe to look inside at all. So the heroes of our selection are faced with such finds - and generally don’t know how to react.

1. “We were restoring our old house and found a safe in the floor.”

2. Most people just buy a house and then find a surprise there.

3. And almost no one can open them

4. Most often they are hidden in the floor, basement or between walls

5. And they date back to years like the 1950s

6. The house is 90 years old

7. Interestingly, what did the former owners keep there?

8. The office staff managed to open the safe on the abandoned floor, but there was nothing there.

9. Do you think they are all empty?


11. Here the safe was hidden right in the wall

12. “I lived in the house for 6 months, and only now discovered it.”

13. “There was a tiny safe behind the fake outlet in our new house.”


Have you ever found locked safes and opened them?

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