A folk craftsman created a working replica of a Mercedes G-Class made of wood (3 photos + 1 video)

3 June 2024

The Gelendvagen was recreated in wood down to the smallest detail. The SUV is capable of moving independently and has working headlights and windshield wipers.

Vietnamese craftsmen started with souvenir scale replicas of cars made of wood, but now they also make real cars. They are even able to move independently.

The Gelendvagen copy is built on the chassis of the old Mitsubishi Pajero. A frame was welded onto its frame, to which wooden body panels coated with paint and varnish were attached.

It was decided to reproduce the charged Mercedes-AMG G63 and its design was copied quite accurately - the “Gelendvagen” is immediately recognizable. The car also has headlights, direction indicators and windshield wipers.

The interior of the Gelendvagen was also made from wood, and the seats were not upholstered in leather or fabric. There are two displays on the front panel, and there is also a sunroof. The engine and transmission of the Mitsubishi Pajero remain unchanged, so this Mercedes G-Class has a Japanese “heart”.

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