How people in Cambodia go crazy about IVs on a motorcycle (7 photos)

Category: Motorcycles, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

If you are blindfolded and then placed in the middle of some city in Asia, it is sometimes difficult to guess where exactly you are. But if a person passes by on a moped with a stick with a dropper attached to it, then feel free to say - you are in Cambodia!

Both you get treatment and go on business - brilliant!

In no other country are people so fanatic about IVs and do not attract them to themselves for any reason.

Nothing heals better than a good dig.

It is not clear why, but of all types of treatment - powders, tablets - the locals believe that the dropper is head and shoulders above the rest. In the village, in the city, here and there a man will flash on a scooter with an IV attached.

Or a child will pass by, followed by a mother holding an IV over him like an umbrella.

A whole family row with IVs! Walking in the park

Doctors also believe in their mighty power. In Cambodia, patients are given IV drips about three times more often than usual. If you stay in the hospital for a day, you have no chance of avoiding an IV.

Some doctors prescribe intravenous treatments even when they are not necessary in order to charge patients more money (which they are happy to do).

The whole family with a dropper across a wooden bridge - idyll!

But the main problem is people's perception of these treatments. Many Cambodians believe that IVs help them recover faster, regardless of their problems.

And if the doctor does not prescribe IV treatment, they consider him unqualified and do not come for a second visit. Doctors don't want to lose patients either.

The rich also cry... they dig in!

This is a vicious circle that can only be broken by many years of increasing the level of education among the population.

People are under the impression that even simple saline drips contain drugs that help treat various ailments. And even consultations from the Ministry of Health cannot change their minds.

This funny look can be found quite often, but in the provinces

Nothing bad will happen from the drip, will it?

Oddly enough, in the love of IVs lies enormous harm to the population. More precisely, the harm is in their stubborn heads.

When a doctor is FORCED to prescribe a non-drip, the patient doubts him. And he goes to a doctor without a license, who knows exactly what the patient will be happy about even without a diagnosis - an IV!

And this seems to be a dropper on a fishing rod, it’s too long

Many diseases remain untreated, because with the help of droppers you can lower the temperature and achieve temporary relief. Not to mention that village doctors without special clinics cannot maintain the level of sterility of needles.

So in the 90s, a hotbed of HIV diseases appeared in the villages of Cambodia. This is precisely due to the reusable use of IV needles without proper sterilization. But many only injected themselves with saline solution! Then the authorities began to fight against illegal doctors, but did not conduct sufficient education about IVs among the population.

Here's another one. Why doesn't China sell a motorcycle dropper attachment yet!? Is it a gold mine?

In general, a dropper on a motorcycle handlebar looks funny and very harmless. But if you dig deeper, this is a very dangerous folk myth!

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