Are you brave enough to go to a Japanese transparent toilet? (4 photos + 1 video)
These are the toilets that are installed in parks and public places in Japan. Still better than nothing? But why didn’t they put the usual one in the one you don't feel like you're relieving yourself in the middle of the street?
Here's why.
In fact, the glass in these toilets is smart; they themselves become frosted when a person walks inside.
It's so clear that there is a person inside. But how can you understand if the busy signal is not on, if you are not into the topic of transparency...
This was done because the Japanese are afraid of public toilets. After they draw all sorts of dubious comics about what happens inside is not at all surprising...
In general, girls often admit that they would rather suffer than going into a public toilet for fear of perverts. And in in a transparent toilet you can immediately see that there is no one inside.
The second huge plus is that from the outside you can see that everything inside is clean and not dirty. And in a closed booth, a “surprise” can always await you.
And it’s really very clean, because everyone will see what you left when you go outside.
Such toilets were installed in 2020 during the Olympics in Japan. But the result of the experiment can hardly be called unequivocally successful.
How does a transparent toilet work?
The architect Shigeru Ban came up with the idea to build such toilets. He was fascinated by the technology of moving glass, which becomes frosted, then transparent under the influence of electric current.
Simple physics, but how brilliant! Hail science. When the door is open, then an electric current passes through the glass, it levels crystals in glass, allowing them to transmit more light through them. AND This is how the glass becomes transparent.
I'm not ready to take the risk. Who knows if the glass has become enough matte, and they don’t look at me from the outside. A miracle of technology for which I not very progressive yet.
The Japanese themselves turned out to be not so progressive. Although science they trust. Just one phobia of unsafe public their toilets have now been replaced by another, which will happen at some point a short circuit or system failure, and the toilet will decide that it is now empty. AND will become transparent.

Different parks have toilets of different colors. Probably also part of the experiment, which toilets people will go to more often
In general, luring people into public toilets in Japan is not the same to succeed. But making them cooler and cleaner is 100% yes. So, you just have to pretend that this was the plan in the first place.