Why do the Japanese depilate their children from childhood (5 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

Over the past 7 years, the demand for child hair removal in Japan has increased 8 times. These depilation procedures begin for children from three years old! And all because smooth skin in Japan is the main criterion of beauty, and for some reason in the 21st century, following this aesthetics has become almost manic.

From an advertisement for children's hair removal services. Happy children's faces WITHOUT HAIR

60% of parents in Japan said they want to take their children for hair removal. It is worth recognizing that a hairy body is not liked not only in Japan; in China, for example, a hairy body is associated with untidiness, laziness, and most importantly, excessive sexuality.

That is, a hairy woman is a depraved woman, and no one wants such a reputation for themselves, so they shave their children.

That in South Korea all idols shave until they shine is expected; there fans examine all photographs under a microscope and tease them for the black spots of hair on their armpits.

To be honest, in Japan there is a problem with hairy necks among girls, yes

But in Japan, for some reason, they concentrated on children.

Three year old? Stop being hairy!

Back in 2010, the Asahi newspaper wrote about the beginning of the “era of beauty underage hair removal.” And she was one hundred percent right - the number of primary and secondary school students undergoing hair removal increased eightfold from 2016 to 2023.

K-popper took it and shocked him with his armpits. The crowd goes wild on the internet

The Japanese company Dione offers laser hair removal for children from three years old! Laser, think about it! The company claims to use low-power, gentle devices specifically designed for delicate, youthful skin.

This is despite experts warning that the procedure can cause serious harm to children's skin and hair follicles.

And all because you can naturally be bullied at school for having hairy arms, legs, and face. And now the bullying has moved to kindergarten, where boys laugh at girls’ baby fluff.

They are so small, they are already being poisoned. Where is the hair anyway!?

Hair removal tradition in Japan

It is almost impossible to overcome this canon of beauty in Japan. Women have been removing hair from their arms and legs for 1,200 years using knives and sharp shells.

And men began to shave their bodies 400 years ago, during the Edo period, then they washed the hair from the groin and armpits with stones in hot springs. So a hairless body is a social norm, and even a couple of hairs is a reason for eternal shame and lamentation.

Is it necessary to remove hair like this on your arms? I think - no, Japanese women are ashamed and wear sleeves in the heat

If you show up for an interview and you have hair visible under your tights, you probably won't get the job. Because you are challenging social norms, something they don’t like in Japan - they want a cog in the corporation, not a rebel.

All sorts of companies that offer hair removal say this in their advertisements: a shaved appearance will help you look cleaner and more professional. What is it, huh!?

Oh, they're solving the wrong problem. It’s not the children who need to be shaved, but tough work against bullying in educational institutions. She's already reached kindergarten! This is such disregard from teachers and educators.

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