Woman Convinced Her 9-Year-Old Daughter to Get Plastic Surgery to 'Become Prettier'

Category: Children, PEGI 16
4 December 2022

The stereotypes of beauty that have developed in modern Japan have led to the fact that they affect even children.

Cosmetic surgery in this country has long been commonplace and The number of plastic surgeries is increasing every year.

For example, in September 2022, a resident of Japan named Pen, boasted of the results of cosmetic surgery done by her daughters, Mickey.

"Double eyelids are the standard of beauty. My mother and sister had big eyes, and I had one eyelid [there is no crease in the upper century], so as a child I was considered ugly. Later I made myself operation, and when my daughter was born with one eyelid, I decided persuade her too," the woman says.

The pen went through plastic surgery at 18, but she wanted to do it earlier. So she figured Mickey was nine years old is the ideal age.

"I don't want my daughter to be ashamed of her eyes, as it was with me. I thought I was scary, but my mother wouldn't let me do it. plastic surgery until the age of 18... A girl needs double eyelids - it's beautiful," considers the girl's mother.

Mickey seems to be pleased with the plastic too, saying that "Now I look like my mother." But meanwhile, child psychologists in Japan sound the alarm.

Professor Tomohiro Suzuki warns parents against such operations, since a person at such a young age does not yet have clear idea of how he would like to look.

In addition, having performed the operation so early, the child can get into psychological trap and he will have an obsession with changing his appearance over and over again.

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