A former criminal who set a “world record” for arrests has passed away in the United States (5 photos)

3 June 2024

Henry Earle was first arrested in 1970. The last arrest, as the media write, occurred 7 years ago. Henry committed the vast majority of his crimes under the influence of alcohol.

Henry Earl of Lexington, Kentucky, became famous by being arrested by police 1,300 times, a world record. In total, he spent 6,000 days behind bars.

He committed the vast majority of his crimes while under the influence of alcohol.

According to the publication, police records of repeat offenders only begin in 1992, when correctional facilities in the county began digitizing “paper.” In fact, his prolific criminal activity started back in the 70s of the last century and “unofficially” can number 1.5 thousand “episodes”.

He is also believed to have wasted a total of 6,000 days of his life behind bars.

Earl claimed that he began drinking at age 18, when his adoptive mother died. He said his last job was at a local motel as a kitchen helper and "dishwasher" back in 1969. Earl lost his job after showing up to work drunk and became homeless soon after. He was first arrested at age 20, in July 1970, for carrying a concealed weapon.

Despite his long criminal history, he did not immediately become a “celebrity” and gained fame after one of the humorous sites began publishing photographs of offenders taken during the arrest, the so-called. "mugshots" and track their arrests.

According to prison records, Earl typically spent a few days behind bars and then was released.

At one time, Earl became so famous that he received an invitation from host Jimmy Kimmel to become the hero of a popular show on ABC. However, he could not come to the shooting, since at that time he was in prison.

Earl's most recent arrest was for public drunkenness in April 2017.

However, that same year he became ill and entered rehabilitation at Owenton Medical Center, where he spent the last seven years of his life.

The 74-year-old celebrity was buried in a local cemetery. The ceremony was attended only by hospital staff, who described Earl as a "nice person" who "tried to make people laugh."

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