A 35-year-old Chinese man broke his femur as a result of coughing (3 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

+1 phobia to add.

A resident of China put together a strange combo. Seriously, how did you have to cough to break one of the hardest and most durable structures in the human body? But the fact remains a fact, and I’ll tell you now how he did it, it may serve as a warning to someone.

It all started with Ye Nan simply coughing and feeling severe pain in his leg, but chalking it all up to an ordinary cramp, he brushed it off from discomfort. It was only when walking became unbearably painful that he realized it was time to see the doctors.

Doctors from the Second People's Hospital of Fujian Province examined the leg, took an x-ray just in case, and found out that the leg hurt due to a fracture of the femur. They began to find out how the guy broke it, asked about his general health, eating habits and lifestyle, and also conducted a bone density test, which gave alarming results.

The bone density was the same as that of an 80-year-old man, which was unusual even for modern sedentary men.

After tests confirmed that the guy did not suffer from any bone diseases, doctors concluded that he simply had incredibly fragile bones due to his addiction to Coca-Cola, poor diet and lack of exercise.

He actually replaced water with sugary carbonated drinks and lived like that for 5 years. Dr. Dong Joon explained that cola drinks contain phosphoric acid, which combines with calcium found in regular foods to form calcium phosphate once ingested. The latter are more difficult for the human body to digest, so frequent consumption of such drinks over a long period of time can have devastating effects on bone density.

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