The most disgusting place in the world (7 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 0+
30 May 2024
Caution! The post contains shocking material. Make sure you really want to see it and you are over 18 years old.

I would call the “gate to hell” in Turkmenistan the most sinister place in the world, the most frightening is the Japanese Aokigahara forest. But the most disgusting, disgusting place in this top is definitely at the Gomantong Cave in Malaysia.

What is the reason for this title?

How do you like this floor covering in the meshchera? These are cockroaches

In Malaysian Sabah, inside Mount Gomantong there is a complex, intricate system of caves where many bats, just mice, and most importantly insects live: spiders, cockroaches, centipedes, beetles.

I wouldn’t recommend touching the walls with Ruami either

This is because, thanks to the indirect corridors in the heart of the mountain, there is always an ideal temperature and atmosphere for the breeding of all kinds of slugs and cockroaches. Warm, slightly humid, no damaging sun or precipitation.

Therefore, the floor in these caves is covered with a layer of guano (droppings of bats that breed on this fertile land), mixed with the corpses of cockroaches, rats and other animals.

And here come the millipedes, affectionately stroking your ankle with their antennae

Bio-coating is half dead, half alive. And the air is almost impossible to breathe, because it is saturated with the smell of ammonia.

Such a small corner of hell for a person with a phobia of insects. But these are flowers, after all, Japan is full of huge creepy insects, it’s not surprising.

Where the vaults are high, bats hang in clusters

The main feature of Gomantong Cave

Brave locals come here twice a year - in February and July, trying not to go too deep into the ammonia corridors.

But in this cave lives a black-nest swift, the same one from whose nests the famous Chinese soup is made. By the way, it is called black-nest, but the most valuable ones are white nests; the most prestigious restaurants buy them. A kilogram of high-quality nests costs about 2 thousand dollars.

Dead swifts are also there on the floor

Collection of nests can only be carried out under an issued license, which is issued according to a quota. And the strict definition of the month is due to the fact that the first harvest of nests must be collected before the swift lays an egg.

That is, as soon as he has collected it, you snatch it from him in February, and he is forced to build a new one.

And closer to autumn, when young swifts begin to fly out of the nest, the season begins for collecting old, abandoned nests.

Comparison of black and white swift nests

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