Are the Japanese hypocrites? (6 photos)

27 May 2024

Or is it their culture? The thing is, in Japan, saying “sorry, I was drunk” is considered an apologetic argument, not an aggravating one. If you were rowdy when you were drunk, then everything is fine, and you are not an alcoholic. Why is that?

Legendary bar crawls of Japanese employees

A very interesting dissection of national character. The fact is that the personality of all Japanese is, as it were, split into hona (their true feelings and aspirations) and tatemae (facade). Tatemae is needed for behavior in society, at work, where you treat others with the utmost respect (even if inside you are a disgusting type).

At work, the Japanese use only the external personality, but on vacation, on vacation, they switch to the “honne” personality and finally allow themselves to be themselves

They even make TV series about external and internal personality

Japanese leniency towards drunkenness

There is even a saying in Japan that a person who is polite in public can be shameless in private. It goes hand in hand with the phenomenon of Japanese work capacity and overtime, when you work all week for 12-14 hours, you have four hours of free time a week, you want to grab everything you can from it.

That's why the Japanese went into isolation of their inner self. And everyone else understood that this was his chance to “be himself,” his “honne” and treated this with understanding.

They say that the Japanese love of wearing masks on the face is partly due to the fact that you get tired of keeping up the façade all the time in public, and delegate it to the mask

In May 2022, a senior Treasury official was arrested after attacking a fellow passenger on a train in Tokyo. Heihachiro Ono, deputy vice minister for planning and policy coordination, told police he was drunk and had no memory of the fight.

The older generation nodded their heads that this was logical. Being a good employee and a nasty brawler is a much greater norm in the minds of the Japanese than even here. We recognize good specialists who are drunks, but we do not think of collectively forgiving them for this.

By the way, Japanese youth were also surprised by the reaction of others rather than by the behavior of the vice minister. Alcohol is not popular among young people because they do not want to “split themselves.”

Few places can find as many masks as in Japanese culture.

This gave rise to a great public debate: is he really a good person? And what is a good person anyway? He does a good job.

Japanese youth dream of living differently: to work at work and with colleagues they like, to smile not politely, but sincerely.

Will our children be better than us?

This is due to the great influence of other cultures through the Internet and films. Parents are always busy, so sometimes young people take examples of behavior from films. Imagine, all the people there immediately say what they think. This is simply mind blowing!

Do you know what hell is? This is working as a middle manager in Japan. Being a woman

But it turns out that life is more difficult for young people. Because at work, bosses are adults who are used to “splitting” their personality. And it is extremely difficult to find an emotionally comfortable place, hence the high level of stress among young people.

Add to this the record level of single young Japanese in this generation who do not want and cannot start a family. This is partly due to the decline in the level of the economy, partly due to the lack of skills to communicate and express oneself.

Why can't you be yourself at work? Are you really that disgusting?!

If they knew how to keep the “totemae” (facade), considered it a part of themselves, and not a mask, it would be easier for them to integrate into society.

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