Propagandist Mardan accused Usyk of treason

27 May 2024

"A native of Simferopol. Despite his Ukrainian surname, he is Russian. He breathed Russian air"

Kremlin propagandist Sergei Mardan accused Ukrainian boxer Alexander Usik, who was born and lived for a long time in Crimea, of treason. As Censor.NET reports, Mardan believes that Usik, “a Russian man with a Ukrainian surname,” betrayed the “Russian people.”

“Usik is a Russian man, he breathed Russian air, despite his Ukrainian surname. But he is a traitor, he betrayed the Russian people, himself, his parents, his ancestors, his faith, his church,” the propagandist said.

Let us remind you that on the night of May 18-19, a fight for the title of absolute world heavyweight champion of professional boxing took place in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). World heavyweight champion according to WBA, WBO and IBF, Ukrainian Alexander Usik defeated the WBC title holder, British Tyson Fury, in a unification fight.

Oleksandr Usik won the fight with Tyson Fury for the title of absolute world heavyweight champion.

From the first rounds, Ukrainian Alexander Usik was more active. However, the sixth round became difficult for Oleksandr Usik - Tyson Fury acted as number one and carried out several super-powerful blows. After this, Usik was able to recover and already at the end of the seventh round carried out an active attack. Already in the eighth round, Alexander Usik seized the initiative and was much more active. At the end of the ninth round, Fury was knocked down after an attack from Usik. The tenth and eleventh rounds were calmer than the last few.

The winner was determined by the judges' decision. The first judge gave the victory to Usik 115:112. The second judge gave the advantage to Fury 114:113. The third judge gave the victory to Usyk.

As a result of this duel, the heavyweight division received an absolute world champion for the first time in the 21st century. Let us remind you that the boxers signed an agreement which states that they will hold a rematch, regardless of the result of the first face-to-face meeting.

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