A foreign mercenary of the Russian Army is trying to explain how he was wounded in the Donetsk region

27 May 2024

Russia is recruiting mercenaries from African countries for the war in Ukraine. In particular, a mercenary from Guinea said that he was wounded in the Donetsk region and spent a day in the forest after being wounded by shrapnel from a Ukrainian drone. As reported by Censor.NET, such a case was reported by propaganda media.

“A 20-year-old guy from Guinea has been voluntarily at the front for several months. During this time, he barely had time to learn Russian, which makes communication extremely difficult. The Internet in the hospital is weak, the Internet translator from French does not work well. In broken Russian and gestures he told how was wounded," Russian media reported.

“Three drones, Forest, then my friend and commander...” says the foreign mercenary.

Let us recall that we previously reported that pilots of the “Signum” unit of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade “Kholodny Yar” in the Bakhmut direction tracked down a dark-skinned mercenary of the Russian army.

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